Bue Grasso (Fat Ox) of the Montefeltro area

The safety of products and the quality of meats are the purpose of Celli's butchery, that collaborating with Pietro Grazia's farm, has promoted a project to gradually restore a forgotten high bovine quality: the
"Bue Grasso" (Fat Ox) of Montefeltro from PGI Marchigiana cattle breed.
Producer and retailer are engaged with a production at closed supply chain. They aim at proposing on the market this particular native variety which was lost over time because of crossbreeds with different breeds.

The first results of this supply chain have produced a meat with organoleptic features which have already found passionate estimators.
The consumption of such an excellent meat might increase even further if the local breeders would like to follow the example of Celli's butchery, setting up an association aimed at giving a new impulse to the trade of this product guaranteeing its quality.